Lea Alcantara
“Design with sass and class”Location: Seattle, WA
URL: http://abrightumbrella.com
Twitter: @lealea
Company: Bright Umbrella, LLC
Contact: Send Me a Message
Availability: Immediate
I am a partner and lead designer for Bright Umbrella, a web agency that creates smart websites for nonprofits and businesses involved in education, social causes and innovative entrepreneurship. I also co-host CTRL+CLICK CAST, a web podcast focused on diverse voices on the web with a CMS slant.
At Bright Umbrella, we build sites you can update yourself, removing bottlenecks, reducing inaccuracies and saving administrative costs. We provide customized workflows tailored for your staff’s needs so they can focus on your organization’s goals, not troubleshooting tech issues.
We focus on your goals — like growing customer engagement, improving site speed and increasing online sales — so that the solutions we build are strategic, reflecting today’s needs while allowing flexibility for the future.
WBENC-certified women-owned business.