Clearpeak Interactive, Inc
“Clearpeak is passionate about building clean, engaging and dynamic websites that you can manage yourself.”Location: Boston, MA
Company: Clearpeak Interactive, Inc
Contact: Send Me a Message
Availability: Immediate
Clearpeak is a leader in providing ExpressionEngine (EE) services to companies, non-profits and educational institutions in the New York and Boston areas. Our firm was one of the first group of EE experts invited to join the Pro Network, in 2006. Since then, we have built well over 100 EE sites ranging from small sites for individuals and small businesses, to larger, dynamic, multi-function sites with hundreds of pages of content for larger businesses and non-profit organizations.
Clearpeak’s designs are clean and intuitive. Our developers use fully responsive HTML 5/CSS 3 to ensure that your site is fast, optimized for all devices, and search engine friendly. We guarantee that your EE administrative interface will be clear and organized to make site updates simple and painless.